C.Internacional - Destaque

Unicef procures 24 million US dollars to fight Covid-19 in Angola

todayDezembro 17, 2020 47

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UNICEF has procured about 24 million US dollars to supoort Angola in the ongoing fight against Covid-19.

This amount aimed at purchasing protective equipment and other biosafety material for angola.

According to UNICEF Representaive to Angola, Ivan Yerovi, his organization has provided nutrition support to families in Luanda to mitigate the impact of Covid-19, under Valor Criança Project.

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    Unicef procures 24 million US dollars to fight Covid-19 in Angola RNA

Editor: RNA

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C.Internacional - Destaque

Angola mobilizes rwandan business community to invest in Angola

The angolan embassy is mobilizing rwandan businesspeople to invest in the country. According to the angolan ambassdor to Rwanda, Eduardo Octavio, they are providing information of the ongoing privatization programme in the country to the local investors. He assured that rwandans are very interested in starting business in Angola. The diplomat also announced that they are working together with Rwandan government to strengthen cooperation in the education sector.

todayDezembro 17, 2020 52
