
1458 Resultados / Pagina 117 de 162

Rádio Luanda - Destaque

Fórum sobre bilhética avalia eficiência nos transportes públicos

A Agência Nacional de Transportes Terrestres, em parceria com a Empresa Nacional de Bilhética Integrada, realiza hoje o seu Primeiro Fórum Metodológico, sob o lema Sistema de Bilhética nos Transportes Públicos. O evento visa promover um dialogo com os responsáveis da cadeia dos transportes públicos de   passageiros, tendo em vista uma maior eficiência a nível dos transportes públicos coletivos urbanos, como confirma o porta-voz do evento Pires Bumba. Clique no […]

todayJunho 27, 2024 49

C.Internacional - Destaque

Mokonzi ya ekolo João Lourenço akeyi na mobembo ya mosala ose bwa ekolo Côte d’Ivoire

João Lourenço ayebaki koyamba libengisi ya moninga waye ya mosala Alassane Ouattara pe lelo nde ayebi kozwa limemya yako kende kozongisa eyano na libengisi yango na nzela ya mobembo ya mosala ose bwa engumba mokonzi Abidjan. Tata mokonzi ya ekolo Angola azali kotambola elongo na lipinga naye ya mosala wapi bakoyeba koyangana na lipinga ya mosala ya ekolo Cote d’Ivoire, pona kotalela makambu matali boninga pe bosalisani ose bwa bikolo […]

todayJunho 27, 2024 31

C.Internacional - Destaque

Angola prepares to hold the second general census

Angola is preparing to hold its second general census after Independence on 19 july this year. The goal is to know how many people are residing in the country for a better distribution of goods and services to the population. The deputy general director of the National Statistics Institute, Hernany Luis announced that everything is ready for the census to happen in due time.

todayJunho 27, 2024 66

C.Internacional - Destaque

Angola described as well positioned technologically

In the other news, the country is well positioned, in terms of technological infrastructure, and has a solid basis to continue growing and innovating, recognized, in Luanda, the Commercial Director of Angola Cables, Fábio José. In the area of ​​innovation, he said, the component of adopting financial services and providing payments for other digital services has grown increasingly, and the country "is on the right path to continue innovating". Currently, […]

todayJunho 27, 2024 23

C.Internacional - Destaque

Angolan head of states leaves for Abidjan to strengtrhen bilateral cooperation with Cote d`Ivoire

The President of the Republic, João Lourenço left for Abidjan, Cote d´Ivoire for a two-day official visit, at the invitation of his counterpart Alassane Ouattara. During the visit, President Joao Lourenço will have a private meeting with his Ivorien counterpart to discuss issues related to the strengthening of bilateral cooperation. The working program also foresees the signing of 12 agreements and official conversations between the two delegations.

todayJunho 27, 2024 35

C.Internacional - Destaque

La famille Tucker de nouveau en visite en Angola

Le Président de la République, João Lourenço, a reçu lundi en audience le vice-maire de la ville de Hampton, aux États-Unis d'Amérique, James Gray, qui fait partie d'une délégation de la famille américaine Tucker. La délégation est composée de 24 membres de la famille Tucker, nord-américains d'origine angolaise de la province de Malange, comme l'a annoncé la Présidence de la République. Avant d’etre reçu par le presidente de la republique, la […]

todayJunho 27, 2024 65

C.Internacional - Destaque

Un responsable d’association appel aux entrepreneurs à cooperer avec le programme du gouvernement qui décourage l’achat des biens publics

L'Association des Travailleurs Unis de la Ferraille d'Angola s'est réunie ce mardi, à Luanda, pour discuter sur les  conséquences du vandalisme des biens publics en Angola. La réunion qui a eu lieu à la Maison des Jeunes de Viana, a réuni les responsables de l'administration de la municipalité de Viana, les responsables de la police nationale et les dirigeants de la société civile. A l'issue de la réunion, le pr   é   […]

todayJunho 27, 2024 14
