C.Internacional - Destaque

Private Sector considers economic diversification as a must

todayDezembro 4, 2020 34

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The Private sector considers the ongoing economic diversification in the country as must.

Companies operating in the sector believe that the country can be independent from the oil for its development.

According to the director of the external affairs of Ecoindustry, Teodorico Enes, the main goal is to reduce imports and promote exports of the products made in Angola.

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    Private Sector considers economic diversification as a must rna

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C.Internacional - Destaque

Angola spent about 164 billion and 600 million us dollars to curb Covid-19 pandemic

The head of state, Joao Lourenco said that Angola had reacted positively to the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic. The president of the Republic, who was addressing the meeting of world leaders on the Covid-19 response, organised by the United Nations, added that Angola responded with the implementation of strong measures to contain the spread of the pandemic. The angolan statesman announced that the government has applied until now 164 […]

todayDezembro 4, 2020 74
