C.Internacional - Destaque

Diplomats praises Angola´s initiative of waving visa for tourists

todayMarço 23, 2024 105

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African and European diplomat are delighted with the angolan government initiative of waving visa for tourists. They do believe that it is an opportuniy for Angola´s image and attract visitors from the different part of the world. Namibian ambassador to Angola, Patrick Nandago said that the initiative is welcome. According to him, Namibia has waived visa for angolans since they took Independence to help the population living along the common border to move freely from one country to another.

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    Diplomats praises Angola´s initiative of waving visa for tourists RNA

Editor: RNA

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C.Internacional - Destaque

Southern africa region celebrates SADC Liberation Day

In the meantime, the SADC Region is celebrating 36 years anniversary of the end of Kuito Kuanavale Battle. The day known as the SADC liberation day, marks the victory of the angolan, cuban and namibian forces over the apartheid forces. The battle was determinant for the Independence of Namibia and the end of the apartheid regime in South Africa. To SADC Executive Secretary, Elias Magosi the SADC Liberation Day is the […]

todayMarço 23, 2024 88 1
