C.Internacional - Destaque

People have to live with mission, states Mr Bumba

todayJaneiro 12, 2024 42 1

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The Festive Season is gone and now Nelson Bumba, a member of the civil society, in Luanda mentions that there were too many plans that he could implement, but unfortunately he didn´t.

The gentleman went on indicating that people have to live with a mission.

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    People have to live with mission, states Mr Bumba RNA


Editor: RNA

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C.Internacional - Destaque

L’ambassadeur de l’Algerie en Angola prevoit un match dificil avec l’Angola

L’ambassadeur de l’Algerie en Angola a soulgne, recemment a la RNAI que le match entre l’Angola et l’Algerie, concernant la coupe d’Afrique de Nations, CAN 2023,  qui debute le 13 janvier en Cote d’Ivoire pourrait solder par un nul . Entretemps le diplomate algerien rappel ,meme que le match sera tres dificile A tite de rappel ,les palancas Negras afrontent la selection algerienne le 15 janvier prochain a Abidjan.

todayJaneiro 12, 2024 120 1 2
