C.Internacional - Destaque

Angola produces more than before independence

todayNovembro 29, 2023 50

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The Angolan minister of economy, Mário Caetano João, said that from the last edition to this year´s, Expo Made In Angola has already reached more than 1,000 types of goods that are locally produced.

Minister Caetano João said the need is to continue working to improve the quality of products bearing the seal made in Angola.

Regarding production in Angola, the Angolan minister of economy said that the country is producing more than it did before National Independence.

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    Angola produces more than before independence RNA

That was the Angolan minister of economy, Mário Caetano João, while speaking at the Made In Angola Expo.


Editor: RNA

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CANAL A - Destaque

“Esperamos que os Presidentes discutam o crescimento do investimento dos EUA em Angola” – Tulinabo Mushingi

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