C.Internacional - Destaque

Pratiba Pakar made a donation to the James School of Calemba II

todayAgosto 23, 2023 26

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The Republic of India continues to show solidarity to those Angolans who are making it in the process of helping others in need.

Its Ambassador to Angola, Pratibha Parkanr, is already at the end of her diplomatic mission in this Southern African nation.

Recently, Pratiba Pakan made a donation of some goods, such as computers and others, to the James School of Calemba II, in Kilamba Kiaxi municipality of Luanda.

Editor: RNA

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C.Internacional - Destaque

Le presidente cubain termine sa visite en Angola

Le chef de l’Etat cubain Miguel Mário Diaz-Canel Bermúdez  termine sa visite de travail de 48 heures, qu’il a effectue, en Angola a l’invitation de son homologue angolais,Joao Lourenço. La visite du president cubain a servi  pour passer en revue l'état des relations de coopération entre les deux pays, unis par des liens historiques d'amitié et de solidarité. Miguel Mário Diaz-Canel Bermúdez    termine,donc, ce mardi sa visite en Angola,sa tournée […]

todayAgosto 23, 2023 56
