C.Internacional - Destaque

Angola and Brasil want to eliminate double taxation

todayAbril 14, 2023 257 1

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Angola and Brasil are working together to eliminate the double taxation in the air industry.

The brasilian ambassador to Angola, Rafael de Mello Vidal said that the agreement will enable companies that want to operate in the transportation sector to be taxed in one country only.

The diplomat added that the agreement will help the development of the air industry of the two countries.

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    Angola and Brasil want to eliminate double taxation RNA

Editor: RNA

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C.Internacional - Destaque

Global Fund is available to fund projects against malaria and HIV/Aids to other provinces of Angola

The Global Fund is ready to receive proposals from Angola to finance projects of fighting Malaria, Tuberculosis and HIV/Aids in other provinces. This was said by the Senior Program Officer for Angola, Eliana Smith on the sidelines of a 5-day visit they paid to Angola. According to the official, Angola has the opportunity to include needs from other provinces in the funding requests. Eliana Smith added that the funding is […]

todayAbril 14, 2023 266 1
