C.Internacional - Destaque

Angola has potentials to become a middle income country, UN official says

todayAbril 19, 2022 116

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The director of the Division for Africa, Developing Countries and Special Programmes of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), Paul Akiwumi said that Angola has enough potential to become a middle income country. Paul Akiwumi stressed that Angola has its own natural resources that can help to reach this specific stage. He urged angolans to use the resources it has in order to build other sectors that are in need.

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    Angola has potentials to become a middle income country, UN official says RNA

Editor: RNA

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C.Internacional - Destaque

L’Angola realise le Forum Angola digital

L'Exécutif angolais soutient les initiatives capables de créer un environnement des affaires moins bureaucratique, avec plus d'efficacité et de rapidité, en utilisant les technologies et l'innovation, a déclaré mercredi le vice-président de la République. Selon Bornito de Sousa, il y a un "boom de startups" sur le marché angolais, dominé par des jeunes d'environ 20 ans, pensant aux concepts et aux solutions technologiques et à l'innovation pour satisfaire divers besoins. […]

todayAbril 19, 2022 80
