C.Internacional - Destaque

Uk to strengthen cooperation with Angola in the financing and industry sector

todaySetembro 6, 2021 67

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The United Kingdom has set the sectors of financing, industry and the climate changes issues as the main areas of cooperation with Angola.

This was announced by the Special Trade Envoy of the Prime Minister for Angola and Zambia, Laurence Robertson.

According to the UK official, his country is ready to help Angola with the transition of the polution in the streets like they do in the United Kingdom.

Laurence Robertson said that UK priorities go on the increase of trade and exports opportunities with Angola.

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    Uk to strengthen cooperation with Angola in the financing and industry sector RNA

Editor: RNA

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C.Internacional - Destaque

The development of the Industry sector is a great challenge for the country, businessman says

Angola has made substantial economic and political progress since the end of the war in 2002. The country continues to face massive development challenges, which include reducing its dependency on oil and diversifying the economy The challenge of the moment lies in the development of the industry sector in order to consolidate economic diversification. The chairperson of the Angolan Industrial Association, Jose Severino considers the industry sector as a challenging […]

todaySetembro 6, 2021 67

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