C.Internacional - Destaque

Uncle is the ownership of the family brought by his sister

todaySetembro 4, 2021 374

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An uncle is a name used in an extended family.

In some cultures an uncle is considered a close family member. Based on the old Chinese saying “the oldest son in the family is the father of the family” an uncle is often the head of a family.

During the Middle Ages in western Europe, a maternal uncle played a particular role in the family. A young man was often closer to his maternal uncle than to his own father.

In the african context, the uncle is the young or old brother of the mother. He is the pilar of the family and is the one who deals with the main matters of the family.

Antropologyst, Joao Cassule explains that the position of a uncle in the african context, atributes to uncle the ownership of the family brought by his sister.

According to him, the son and daughter that a sister has delivered is the continued generation of the uncle.

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    Uncle is the ownership of the family brought by his sister RNA

Editor: RNA

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