C.Internacional - Destaque

Institute of Arts contributes for the teaching and practice of arts in the country

todayAgosto 7, 2021 47

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The Institute of Arts is a potential meant to expand different cultural skills and knowledge in arts.

Located in Camama, south west Luanda province, provides courses on music, dance, theatre and fine arts.

Maria Ramos, who teaches music says that the Institute is a result of the fusion of school of arts.

The school run by the ministries of education and that of culture has 95 teachers among them 83 angolans and 12 cubans nationals.

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    Institute of Arts contributes for the teaching and practice of arts in the country RNA

Editor: RNA

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CANAL A - Informação

Parlamento recomenda executivo a acelerar a concessão de créditos ao produtores nacionais

O Parlamento recomenda o Executivo angolano que acelere os mecanismos essenciais, para a concessão de créditos aos produtores nacionais. As Comissões especializadas da Assembleia Nacional recomendaram ainda, ao Executivo, que exerça um controlo mais rígido da inflação, sobretudo nos preços dos produtos da cesta básica. Saiba mais, no áudio abaixo, com o jornalista António Chocolate: Fonte: RNA

todayAgosto 6, 2021 46
