C.Internacional - Destaque

Global Fund grants 103 million US dollars to fight malaria, tuberculosis and HIV in Angola

todayJulho 23, 2021 118 1

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The Global Fund made available about 103 million US dollars for Angola for the next three years.

The amount is meant to help the country in its fight against Malaria, Tuberculosis, and HIV/Aids.

According to the Fund Portfolio Manager for Angola from the Global Fund, Joshua (Joxua) Galjur, the programme starts now and goes until June 2024.

Joshua Galjur confirmed the launching of 82.6 million US dollars directed to the fight against Malaria, Tuberculosis and HIV/Aids.

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    Global Fund grants 103 million US dollars to fight malaria, tuberculosis and HIV in Angola RNA

Editor: RNA

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C.Internacional - Destaque

Private Sector prepares to meet the challenge of the African Market

The angolan private sector is getting ready to meet the challneges of the African Continental Free Trade Area. According to the chaiperson of the Angolan Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Vicente Soares, they are ready to compete in the same footing with other countries. Vicente Soares pointed the problem of infrastructures in the country as the main challenge of the business community at the African Continental Free Trade Area.  

todayJulho 23, 2021 64
