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Angola committed to contribute for peace and security in the SADC

todayJulho 8, 2021 147

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Angola continues to make efforts to contribute for the consolidation of peace, security and democracy in the member states of the Southern African Development Community (SADC).

According to the secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Esmeralda Mendonça guaranteed that Angola will continue to contribute equally for the pacification and dialogue in the southern region.

He said that the member states of the organization are in solidarity with the insecurity situation in Mozambique, particularly in the Cabo Delgado region, and stressed that the countries are in solidarity and are unanimous in making every effort to consolidate peace in that region.

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    Angola committed to contribute for peace and security in the SADC RNA


Editor: RNA

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C.Internacional - Destaque

Indicador das nações Unidas prevê a redução da fome em Angola a 100% ate 2030

A representante da FAO em Angola, Gherda Barreto, disse, recentemente, que esta organização das Nações Unidas está a trabalhar com o Governo Angolano, e os seus parceiros, no sentido de se reduzir a fome no país até 2030. Gherda Barreto, que falava aos microfones do Canal Internacional da Radio Nacional de Angola, assegurou que o programa fome zero, da responsabilidade das Nações Unidas, tem como principal objetivo descentralizar a segurança […]

todayJulho 8, 2021 58
