C.Internacional - Destaque

Electoral registration to kick off in Septemebr

todayJulho 1, 2021 42

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The unofficial electoral registration, for all citizens over 18 years of age, starts in September of the current year (2021). This was the outcome of the sixth ordinary session of the Council of Ministers, which considered, for submission to the National Assembly, the Law of Amendment to the Official Electoral Registry, a legislative initiative that arises from the need to conform the current Law, due to the constitutional amendment held recently.

The unofficial electoral registration is the communication of the Identity Card database, with communication of the database of older citizens.

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    Electoral registration to kick off in Septemebr RNA

Editor: RNA

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C.Internacional - Destaque

Les relations de coopération entre l’Angola et la RDC sont au beau fixe

Nous sommes aujourd’hui 30 juin journée nationale de la République Démocratique du Congo. Le 30 juin 1960,le congo s’est délivré du colonialisme belge et devenait un pays libre et indépendant. Voisin de l’Angola,la RDC entretient d’excellentes relations de coopération avec notre pays,comme l’a confirme le charge d’affaires de RDC en Angola,Freddy Sombo Iyomba.

todayJulho 1, 2021 229
