C.Internacional - Destaque

Italy willing to invest in infrastructure projects in Angola

todayJunho 14, 2021 49

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Italy is interested in investing in the infrastructure projects in Angola in order to contribute for the country´s economic diversification process.

This was said by the italian ambassador to Angola, Cristiano Gallo.

The diplomat added that areas like that of telecommunications and logystics are also a target of the italian businesspeople.


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    Italy willing to invest in infrastructure projects in Angola RNA

Editor: RNA

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C.Internacional - Destaque

National Archive prepare regulations to build provincial archives

National Archive is preparing new regulations and laws that will help them to build provincial archives. This was announced by the General Director of the National Archive of Angola, Alexandre Aparicio. According to the official, they are also working hard in order to create a law on archive network. Alexandra Aparício revealed that the most important collection they have are the documents they inherited from the colonial period dating back […]

todayJunho 14, 2021 84

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