CANAL A - Informação

Cuanza-Norte quer conquistar estatuto de Pólo Turístico da Região Norte

todayJunho 14, 2021 60

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A Província do Cuanza-Norte quer conquistar o estatuto de Pólo Turístico da região norte do país. O Governador, Adriano Mendes de Carvalho, defende mais iniciativas dos empresários locais, para relançar o turismo. Saiba mais, no áudio abaixo, na reportagem do Daniel António:

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    Cuanza-Norte quer conquistar estatuto de Pólo Turístico da Região Norte rna

Fonte: RNA

Editor: rna

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C.Internacional - Destaque

Nzenzo Caves, one of the angolan seven wonders

The Nzenzo Caves are a recently discovered site. Its beauty, still virgin and completely preserved. It is located in Ambuila municipality, in Uige province. The site was reinstated on the tourist map of the country, arousing then the interest of researchers, local and foreign tourists, who flock to this attractive region that offers hikers a breathtaking dense forest and a continuous meandering of underground water, soaking the soil and softening […]

todayJunho 14, 2021 250
