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Government need to boost the non-oil sector to respond to the macroeconomic needs, economist says.

todayFevereiro 23, 2021 71

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Economist Hernany Luis considered the forecast of the International Financial Institute as positive for the country.

According to him, the report opens new perspectives to the angolan economy, bringing prosperity for 2021 and reach to the end of six years of economic recession.

Hernany Luis belives that the country´s economy will still be dependending on the performance of the oil market in the short term period.

He says that the government need to boost the non-oil sector in order to make it capable to respond to the country´s economy.

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    Government need to boost the non-oil sector to respond to the macroeconomic needs, economist says. RNA

Editor: RNA

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C.Internacional - Destaque

Demining organizations are committed to clear the country by 2025

Non Governmental Organizations operating in Angola are committed to clear the country from landmines and explosive devices in 2025. They believe that with some additional funding it is possible to achieve this goal by this period. The most affected provinces with landmines are Kuando Kubango, Bie, Kwanza Sul and Moxico. According to the Apopo Project Manager, Manuel Agostinho, they are focused on fulfilling with the obligations of Ottawa Convention.

todayFevereiro 23, 2021 56
