C.Internacional - Destaque

Ongoing reforms has improved doing business environment in Angola

todayFevereiro 15, 2021 311

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The doing business in Angola has improved a lot in the last three years with the new reforms the government is putting in place.

This was said by the executive director of the US-Angola Chamber of Commerce, Pedro Godinho.

According to the official, the campaign president Joao Lourenço is carrying out has been producing good results in attracting foreign investment to Angola.

Pedro Godinho considered as positive the incentives that the government has been granting to businesspeople who want to invest in Angola.

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    Ongoing reforms has improved doing business environment in Angola RNA

Editor: RNA

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C.Internacional - Destaque


Le carnaval de Luanda 2021 a démarré hier . Contrairement aux éditions passées ,pour cette année la fête populaire angolaise a été  transmise en direct, sur les plateformes numériques et à la télévision,suite à la covid-19. L’ambiance carnavalesque a  commencé a Luanda avec Seize groupes de la classe B,un mélange des rythmes,couleurs et sons en live,explications de l’historien ,Mbala Vita. .  

todayFevereiro 15, 2021 53
