C.Internacional - Destaque

Angola has potential to improve agriculture and boost local production

todayJaneiro 28, 2021 46

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Economist Carlos Vaz said that Angola has all the conditions to improve agriculture and boost local production.

According to him, it is important for the country to take benefit of these advantages to tranform the potentialities into a real production.

Carlos Vaz stressed that at this stage of the world economic crisis, it is not good for the country to be an oil dependent.

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    Angola has potential to improve agriculture and boost local production RNA

Editor: RNA

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C.Internacional - Destaque

Kissama Foudation to bet on Giant Sable protection

Kissama Foundation will focus its attention in the protection of Angola´s Giant Sable and the forest elephant. This was announced by the CEO of Kissama Foundation, Vladmiro Russo in a moment that the country is preparing to celebrate the National Environment Day. According to him, they will release this year more than four million tartoise to the sea. Vladmiro Russo added that they have already achieved about 3.6 million tartoise […]

todayJaneiro 28, 2021 26

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