C.Internacional - Destaque

Government committed to invest in social infrastructures

todayDezembro 15, 2020 65

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The angolan government is applying great investment in the social infrastructures with highlight to health.

This was said in Luanda by the head of state, Joao Lourenço after the inauguration of a Sol Hemodialysis Centre in Luanda.

According to the President of the Republic, the government will continue to work hard in order to improve health care in the country.

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    Government committed to invest in social infrastructures RNA

Editor: RNA

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C.Internacional - Destaque

2021 State budget ready to be implemented

The National Assembly approved the proposal bill of the 2021 General State Budget. The document passed with 141 votes in favor, 48 against and two abstentions. The Bill was approved by MPs from the ruling MPLA and FNLA, while Unita, PRS and Casa-CE voted against. Paulo pombolo said that MPLA voted in favour because the document is fundamental to materialize the programmes and projects for the social and economic development.

todayDezembro 15, 2020 54
