C.Internacional - Destaque

Angola bets in the development of transport infrastructures

todayNovembro 10, 2020 53

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The minister of Transport Ricardo Abreu announced that the government is committed in inmproving transport infrastructure in the country.

Ricardo Abreu, who was speaking at the 52nd Meeting of the General Assembly of the Association of African Airlines held via a video conference from Brazzaville, highlighted the importance of the transport sector in the life of people.

The minister pointed out the investment the government has been applying for the development of transport infrastructure.

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    Angola bets in the development of transport infrastructures RNA

Editor: RNA

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C.Internacional - Destaque

Angola mibu 45 ya lipanda, kimia nde ezali mileki ya motuya pona lipanda nabiso elobi mama nsingi tietie makiese

Mama Nsingi Makiesse, mombotama ya ekolo Angola alobaki na micro nabiso ete, pona ye kimia nde ezali lilongi eleki motuya pona lipanda nabiso, komona ebele ya bato bakimaka libanda ya ekolo kasi nasima yako yoka ke tozui lipanda nde bazuaka limiemya yako zonga na ekolo nabango ya mbotama. Fina nase oyoka masolo. Liziba ya sango: RNA/Canal Internacional-Jornalista Mayele Fernando

todayNovembro 10, 2020 34
