C.Internacional - Destaque

The Church plays a signigficant role in the country´s history

todayNovembro 6, 2020 76

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The Leader of the Salvation Army Church, Garcia Matondo highlighted the role the church has played in the last 45 years of the country´s independence.

According to him, the church has always been present in the best and difficult moment the country went through.

He points as well the contribution of the church for the social and economic development of the country with stress to education and health.

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    The Church plays a signigficant role in the country´s history RNA

Editor: RNA

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C.Internacional - Destaque

Angola is a safe place for investment, President says

The Head of State, Joao Lourenço said that Angola is a safe place for people to invest. President Joao Lourenço highlighted the ongoing reforms that the country is putting in place to improve the doing business. According to him, the country is in a process of privatization of companies and assets with highlight to sectors that offer competitive advantages for investors.

todayNovembro 6, 2020 64
