C.Internacional - Destaque

Angolan President calls on Israel to open humanitarian corridor in Gaza

todayMarço 6, 2025 15

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The Angolan head of state, Joao Lourenço rejected any attempt to displace the Palestinian people from their territories. President Joao Lourenço called for the return of humanitarian aid to Gaza and an end to the war, and recognized the Palestinian Authority and the creation of the Palestinian State. Speaking at the Arab League Summit in his capacity as the acting chairperson of the African Union, held in Cairo, Egypt, João Lourenço urged the Israeli authorities to allow the opening of humanitarian corridors, as well as the return of more than two million internally displaced Palestinian citizens and refugees in neighboring countries.

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    Angolan President calls on Israel to open humanitarian corridor in Gaza rna Quipungo

Editor: rna Quipungo

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C.Internacional - Destaque

João Lourenço rejette la relocalisation du peuple palestinien de ses territoires

Le Président angolais et de l'Union africaine, João Lourenço,  a rejeté d'éventuelles tentatives de relocalisation du peuple palestinien de ses territoires, une intention exprimée par le Président des États-Unis, Donald Trump, et le Premier ministre d'Israël, Benjamin Natanyau. De même, il a condamné la politique continue d'expansion des colonies, d'occupation et d'annexion illégale de territoires appartenant à la Palestine. Le Président angolais et de l'Union africaine, João Lourenço, a fait ses […]

todayMarço 6, 2025 20
