C.Internacional - Destaque

Angola head of state visits Bié

todayJulho 12, 2024 48

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The Angolan head of state, Joao Lourenço paid a two-day working visit to the province of Bie. The visit of President Joao Lourenço meant to witness in a symbolic way the beginning of the wheat harvest of the 2023/2024 agricultural season.
In his arrival to the city of Kuito, the Angolan statesman visited a local production fair, where the nine municipalities of the province nine showcased their productive potential.
In his intervention, the governor also noted that TAAG will resume air connection as from the second of August of this year.
In his turn, President Joao Lourenço said that the needs will be sorted out in the framework of the General State Budget. João Lourenço also alerted that financial resources allocated for the State Budget are limited.

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    Angola head of state visits Bié Juliana Bidy

Editor: Juliana Bidy

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RADIO 5 - Destaque

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todayJulho 12, 2024 126
