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SADC parliamentary forum strategic plan to bring parliaments closer   

todayJulho 3, 2024 53

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The Strategic Plan of the SADC Parliamentary Forum for the period 2024-2028, launched a few hours ago, in Luanda, on the sidelines of the 55th Session of the Plenary Assembly, will bring Parliaments closer to citizens, through public hearings, and will contribute to the consolidation of participatory democracy, announced the president of the National Assembly.

Carolina Cerqueira, who was speaking at the meeting, said that one of the main aspirations of the Strategic Plan is to revitalize parliamentary involvement based on its functions, namely legislating, representing, controlling and monitoring, reiterating the need to develop lasting links with other interparliamentary bodies , in Africa and globally, in order to promote benchmarking and leadership in normative standards such as Model Laws and Minimum Standards.

The parliamentary leader warned that the functions of Parliament demonstrate the need for MPs to respond to contemporary challenges and demand responsibilities on issues of interest for citizens.

Meanwhile, Boema Mmandu secretary general of SADC parliamentary forum stated that they have collaborated with several institution which deal with conflict and peace building.

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    SADC parliamentary forum strategic plan to bring parliaments closer    Juliana Bidy

In turn, Namibia representative, Peter Katyavivi, reported that the forum signed an agreement by building on four key actions, namely representation, legislation, budget and oversight.

Editor: Juliana Bidy

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todayJulho 3, 2024 52
