C.Internacional - Destaque

Unicef spends 25 million US dollars for child assistance in Angola

todayMaio 31, 2024 45

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Unicef spends at least 25 million US dollars every year in issues related to rights and child protection in Angola.

This was announced by Unicef representative to Angola, Antero Pina in an interview to this radio station in the framework of the celebration of the International Child Day.

Antero Pina said that the mobilization of this amount is meant to support the angolan government priorities meant to benefit children in Angola.

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    Unicef spends 25 million US dollars for child assistance in Angola Juliana Bidy

Antero Pina praised the angolan government for the implementation of the 11 Commitment of the children in Angola.

Editor: Juliana Bidy

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RADIO 5 - Destaque

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